Wednesday 26 December 2012

2013 Young Writers Contest

Writers, ages 13-19, are welcome to submit once in each category, but must complete a separate form for each entry.  Deadline for submission is March 1st, 2013. All submissions must be written in English and submitted with the completed form (below).  There is no fee for participation.  All participants will receive a certificate of participation.

In all divisions your work should attempt to:
  • Show day to day life.
  • Show family relations and friendships.
  • Show outside forces at work (ie. weather, government/politics, social pressures, etc.)
  • Avoid stereotypes and generalizations.  Dig beneath the surface to explore common humanity and universal themes.
All submissions (even fiction) should be about a real country, although it could be a country that no longer exists. For example, you could choose to write a period piece that takes place between 1918 and 1992 about Czechoslovakia, or a fiction piece about Anatolia that takes place during the 13th century. The challenge is to research the pressures faced by your characters so that you are able to convey their point of view convincingly.

Directions how to submit are on this page. It is a form. If you have any questions or need help submitting let your teacher know.