Wednesday 9 January 2013

True Colors

Sophia Huang (age 12) has a story called True Colors published at I'll Tell you a Story. Here is the beginning...

Marie awoke to the sound of a sudden shatter. It was near sunrise and she was still dazed from her night’s dream.
“Who’s there? If you don’t come out, I’ll have to get my guards to come and slaughter you,” she said, but was met with only silence.
She was uncertain as to what it was but looked around, afraid to find what awaited her. She turned around and to her relief, found only her mirror lying beside her unharmed. However, she didn't go back to sleep and continued to gaze into the mirror admiring her reflection in the dim light.
When the sun had fully risen, she grabbed her mirror and headed down the winding staircase to the breakfast hall of her mansion which smelled like sausages, bacon, and all sorts of breakfast foods. Her father, Blaine Richmount was a budding investment guru and could therefore afford the finest things for his vain and lazy daughter. Read more...

Wednesday 2 January 2013

The Ice Heart Princess

The Ice Heart Princess by Rachael Wang (age 12) is now available to read at I'll Tell you a Story. A story of self-love and lack of compassion that leads to disastrous consequences: a long cold winter of the heart.

An excerpt:

Once upon a time, in a magical world on the edge of imagination, was a princess with a heart as cold and empty as ice. She had the most electrifying clear blue eyes, and the most silver hair that any girl in the kingdoms would have died for. She had anything anyone could ever wish for, but she was still unsatisfied. She had all the men and princes throughout all the kingdoms wishing to marry her, and yet she had not batted an eyelash. She had the most enchanting, most perfect life, and still she felt nothing. She was immune to any love in the world, and cared for nothing but one thing: She wanted to live forever. Read more...